Thursday, December 07, 2006

7 Proven Tips To Growing An Explosive Downlines


In the business of direct sales, it is crucial that you build and create a solid downline. The success of your business does not only depend on sales and the relationships you build with your customers, but it also depends upon the relationship you build within your direct sales team. The following are seven helpful tips that will allow you to develop a solid downline and help your business of direct sales grow daily.

1. Personalize it! It is important that your downline understand and know exactly who you are. It is impossible to work their tail for someone they do not feel they know. Therefore, try sending a newsletter out filled with sales numbers, top sales members, or even tips on making sales, each month. You could even offers your downline a chat room or forum to keep everyone connected, offer support, and sharing helping tips and ideas for sales.

2. Make time! It is important that you schedule meetings on a regular basis, to keep in touch with the members of your sales team. This will instill the thoughts that you care about them and the business by doing so. Furthermore, if any members has any terrific ideas, thoughts, questions, or concerns this will be a great chance for them to let you know.

3. Make it Competitive! Everyone loves competing for prizes and your sales team will be no different. You can offer coupons or discounts or any prices for any member of your team that recruits the most new members in any given period.

4. Articles are your friend! Writing articles should be very high on your list of things to do. What is great about articles, if you write them yourself, they are free to write, free to submit, and what is a best, result in free traffic. That is an awful lot of free! Write and submit five articles about your products or website, to many different article submission services.

5. Be a Teacher! Giving your sales team the best possible products, business, and information about the two combined is the best way to ensure that you have the best possible sales team. Excitement and opportunity will be created when you teach your sales team a thing or two about operating a home-based business.

6. Do Not Be Afraid! It is ok to run away with the silliest of ideas, no matter how silly you think they are. Promote your business with excitement and oomph. Allow your mind to runaway with the various ideas you can come up with for promotions.

7. Keep At It! Even though you may get tired of the refusals, with every nine no’s you receive you will happen upon at least one yes. This is how it works in this business. Keeping obtaining new recruits, promoting them, and educating not only yourself but your entire sales team as well.

Pochrich Netertainment

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